We are Rulebooks
Rulebooks is a Dutch legal tech startup founded by Harm Bavinck, Michiel Mosterd and Joel Wijngaarde. After selling the enterprise legal management platform Effacts to Wolters Kluwer, we joined forces again. The new possibilities of Artificial Intelligence make it too much fun not to deal with legal tech right now. Our focus is entirely on further developing the Rulebooks platform and our world-class customer support.
Early 2024
In 2024, we started developing the Rulebooks platform. Initially, the goal was to develop an internal solution for all service requests from the legal operations specialist. Legal Manager Services.
At the beginning of 2024, we found a few external investors willing to provide initial capital to accelerate the development of the Rulebooks platform. In April 2024, the first release of the platform was put into use by a number of customers.
April 2024
October 2024
Based on the feedback from these first customers, we are working with a team of Legal Operation specialists and software developers to further develop the platform. In October 2024, we launched the Rulebooks platform. Smart legal service providers arrange clients' legal operations with Rulebooks!
Take care of your legal matters smarter, faster, and more fun
For Rulebooks, it doesn't matter if the legal work is done by a corporate lawyer or an external legal service provider. The Rulebooks platform ensures that legal matters are arranged as quickly and properly as possible.